Autumn Wellness Journey: How Isopia’s Check-In Campaign Sparked a Healthier Season Ahead
Autumn is the perfect time to develop new healthy habits. The check-ins from Isopia’s community, from 9/22 to 10/6, showed creative workouts, mindfulness practices, and self-care routines to try.
We were so inspired by everyone's check-ins under the campaign tags over the past few days. We continue to share our daily lives and inspire each other, which brings us contagious motivations. Here are some sincere and warm words from our participants:
“I love watching ME and how much I'm growing.”, said @marietandeski
“Wellness tip/ idea for today is spending time with pets, especially cuddling them!”, said @miss.mojo_
“Day 2: Taking slightly warm water with few drops of lemon first thing in the morning, good for digestion and so for skin glow.”, said @90sskygazer
“Today's tip is to find reasons to smile. My reason to smile is my awesome class that teaches me just as much as I teach them. I love getting to guide them through life. Smiling will make you feel better and spread positivity, love, and kindness! It will not only help you but those around you!”, said @miss.mojo_
“Last wellness tip is to be mindful and intentional with everything and do what you love with love. Love makes the world go round and will make your days easier. My intention for this concert was to have a great memorable night with my sister and I can say I will never forget how loud we got to sing together and the joy we both had. This is me seeing my favorite band the Lumineers!!!”, said @miss.mojo_

Our Autumn Wellness Journey check-in campaign proves one thing - our community is dedicated to bettering themselves! Whether it was early morning yoga, afternoon runs, or meditation in a tranquil evening, we loved seeing your commitment. Keep up the great work!